Sunday, October 5, 2008

Follow-up on Dad's Accident 10/5/08

My DAD actually got to go home for a few days but every time he sat up to go to the bathroom, his blood pressure sky rocketed and he would almost pass out so they had to admit him again until they find out if it’s just a “blood pressure” issue that medications could fix it can be happening to him if there is an underlying problem from his injuries, a current problem with blood flow due to brain swelling or it can also happen if he is threatened with a blood clot.

Did I tell you guys about my MOM? She went back to Iowa in August for a family funeral and she ended up spending a lot of time ALONE with my DAD while she was back. He always tells US he still LOVES her & wants her back but MOM would jokingly tell him “when hell freezes over” and that’s the way it’s been for 20+ years. But when she got back here, she told me about everything including that she told him that “she would think about it”! She talked things over with me on several occasions about the Pros & Cons and I told her that he is at a different stage in his life NOW so she probably doesn’t have to worry about the things that split them up before and he would be pretty stupid to BLOW it again since he’s been trying to get her back for 20 years.

So she decided move back to IA with him so she talked to her boss that Friday to let him know and she planned on calling my DAD the next day to let him know. BUT…..he ended up having his accident on FRIDAY night before she could tell him but she flew back with me on SAT morning & she told him when she walked into the room on Sat afternoon. Of course, he would only wake up 2 times a day for only 1 minute so he kept asking “if his wife is here?” cuz he didn’t know if it was just a dream!!

I guess you could say our family had our own “Cinderella Story”! “Teresa”

Update on DADs Accident 9/30/08

I want to Thank everyone for their E-mails expressing their concerns about my DAD and since I’m not really sure “who actually knows” about the accident and “who doesn’t”, I thought it would be easier for me to give everyone the report instead of explaining it all on several occasions.

My DAD was in a very serious motorcycle accident on Friday Sept 19th, 2008 so I have been back in IOWA with the rest of my family waiting to see if he was going to need surgery to relieve the swelling around his brain or if he had internal bleeding or other internal damages due to the broken ribs & extreme bruising around his lungs. He has been in ICU most of this time so we have been praying constantly and we think it’s worked because his DR’s are starting to believe that he might be out-of-danger from most of the life-threatening issues they have been worrying about. The possibility of him having an Aneurism (or blood clot) is still pretty high so he isn’t allowed to get-up, move around or do any walking yet so we have family members helping him out until we can get some “home healthcare” assistance.

I want to Thank all of you for your kind thoughts and ask that you keep us in your prayers!
